Saturday, 14 September 2013

Check Out Miley Cyrus' New Brown Hair — (VIDEO)

This is clearly a fan video, as you can tell by its shakiness and the extended shot of the cigarettes when the camera-holding fan is busy talking to Miley Cyrus in Paris, but it hints to what looks like a new hair color for Smiley Miley.

Miley stops to talk to her fans when exiting a building, and she's kind enough to sign autographs and pose for several tongue-baring photos. But the video (posted September 12) also hints to a darker direction, since Miley appears to be more brunette. When she turns to get into the waiting van, you can see light streaks in the back, so it's possible her hair is just getting longer (she recently mentioned wanting to grow it out) with the root-color showing and the blonde parts slicked back.

Do you think she'll grow her hair longer and keep it her natural brown color? Miley's a rebel, but when your look for most of the year has been pixie platinum blonde, the rebellious thing to do would be to pull a 180 and make it longer and darker.

culled: wetpaint

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